Angel Holy Homes

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Core Support Services

Supported Independent Living (SIL)

Angel Holy Homes offers supported independent living for NDIS participants in Adelaide and all across South Australia. Our team of caring support workers is able to provide ongoing assistance in your shared living environment and can assist you with daily living tasks

Life Skills Development

You may be looking to develop a new life skill, Angel Holy Homes can assist you with the necessary tools and training to develop a range of life skills that will help you reach your goals. Life skills may include grooming, personal hygiene, cleaning the house, cooking, communication skills, numeracy, budgeting, playing a musical instrument or even using public transport. We can guide you towards achieve these goals in a realistic means and empower you a more independent life.

Community Participation

It is important for us that you feel a part of the community and participate in activities that interest you. Community access expands your opportunities for a greater social participation in a meaningful way and not feel socially isolated or excluded. Our team can connect you to fun networks of community groups or any activities that you are interested in, and also assist you in transportation and organization.

Domestic Assistance

Small tasks can sometimes seem too challenging, therefore if you have domestic assistance in your NDIS plan our support workers can assist you with any domestic help around the house such as cleaning the house, maintain the garden or meal preparation.

Self-care Assistance

Self-care is very important to your wellbeing. If you require assistance with daily self-care tasks such as daily grooming, showering, getting dressed, toileting, make-up or shaving our team is happy to help. Sometimes just applying a little make-up or getting a haircut can uplift your mood substantially.


Angel Holy Homes is able to help you get around, whether it is for your shopping trip, medical appointment or daily errands. Our friendly support workers will help you get around your community on your daily errands or socials visits. Examples of your services include: reliable transport in a safe vehicle, companionship, pre-book pick up and drop off according to your regular schedule.